Accepting that you have an addiction means that you will have to make a number of changes if long-term recovery is to be achieved. If you have attended an addiction treatment program or meeting of recovery, then you have learned that life is different now that you are clean and sober.
Naturally, it’s vital to stay away from environments that can jeopardize your recovery. Moreover, and this part is harder, you must stay away from many people with whom you once spent time. This is especially true when it comes to old using friends.
It’s challenging to say goodbye or cut off ties with individuals even when you know that they are not beneficial to your recovery. Still, your progress depends on altering the people you keep in your circle of friends.
If you attend meetings on a regular basis, then you have already begun fostering relationships with like-minded individuals. These people are replacing the individuals you once associated with; what’s more, such men and women care about your well-being and continued progress.
Making Friends in Recovery
Hopefully, you have already said goodbye to the people from your past. If not, there is no time like the present. Put all your energy into making new friends who do not use drugs and alcohol. Meetings are the best place to find the caliber of individuals who are suitable for your program.
The people that you attend meetings with share similarities with you, and understand what you have been through; you have a lot in common with such men and women. These individuals will not just help you stay the course of recovery; they will become lifelong friends.
Prioritize your relationships with others in sobriety, especially in early recovery. Ask people to get together after the meeting so you can get to know them better. In time, you will look forward to seeing the people in your support network. They will also invite you to do things with them in their free time.
Again, we understand that it’s hard to break ties with people who were your friends for years. However, anyone who is not supportive of your recovery is probably not that great of a friend at the end of the day. Acknowledging that reality will help you make hard choices that hugely benefit your recovery.
Please do not despair if you have trouble making friends in early recovery. It may take time for you to feel comfortable confiding and opening up with new people in your life.
Trust and believe that it will become easier the longer you stick around the rooms of recovery. Do not lose hope, and you will have a friend group before you know it. That’s guaranteed!
California Faith-Based Addiction Treatment
Please contact Celebrate Hope today to learn more about our faith-based addiction treatment program in Southern California. We can help you break the cycle of addiction, adopt a program of recovery, and assist you in reconnecting with your Lord and Savior. (866) 751-2028