Christian Focus

For many years, our treatment center has used Christian principles to help our clients get and stay sober. We have seen time and time again that the addition of spiritual principles to traditional clinical addiction treatment leads to better long-term outcomes. The reasons are self-evident, and we will discuss some of them here.

Integrating Faith Provides More Tools for Recovery

Addiction treatment needs to address the whole person: physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. In addition to receiving psychotherapy, medical evaluations, and group counseling, members of our program receive tools that promote their spiritual well-being.

Integrating Christian principles into the treatment regimen helps our clients who are bravely pursuing a life of recovery by providing many useful tools to restore their physical and emotional health, as well as their spiritual well-being.

Incorporating Teachings of the Gospel

The majority of the clients who come to Celebrate Hope have grown up in Christian households. When we connect with our clients on a spiritual level, they find motivation and inspiration in the scripture. It is already part of the fabric of who they are.

The passages from the Bible that we use in our meetings and study groups are often already familiar to the client, but these passages now take on new meaning in light of their current circumstances. By reconnecting with the values that were part of their lives before they started using drugs or alcohol, our clients feel a sense of hope and renewal.

These teachings can also be eye-opening for those who have never experienced the love of Christ. By centering our curriculum around the Word of God, we hope to make Him known to all who attend Celebrate Hope.

Personal Faith and Growth

In addition to helping clients embrace sobriety and transform their lives, Celebrate Hope counselors help each person along his or her personal faith journey. Through worship, classes, and therapy sessions, each client grows closer to the Creator by learning to apply His teachings in everyday life.

Power of Prayer

Daily prayer is part of the program at Celebrate Hope. There is something transformative that happens when you commune with God and ask him for guidance and support. Both introspective personal prayer and group prayer at meetings and services will be a daily part of each client’s regimen. We encourage our clients to “Let go and let God,” a favorite saying, and they experience a sense of great relief when they share their problems with their Higher Power.

The Power of Forgiveness

The Bible tells us that when we confess our sins, God is faithful in forgiving us and cleansing us of all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). Christian rehab centers are designed to help us embrace that forgiveness while learning to forgive ourselves, as well.

Making amends is part of the 12-Step program of Celebrate Recovery, and some would say one of the most crucial steps. Of course, the gospel of Jesus Christ reminds us that God gave his only Son to forgive our sins. Knowing that they are forgiven for your previous transgressions instills a sense of hope and optimism in our recovering clients.

Fellowship and Celebrate Recovery

Just as Hebrews 10:24 and 25 tell us to “spur one another on toward love and good deeds,” Celebrate Hope strives to provide residents with an environment of Christian recovery and support.

In addition to all the traditional secular therapeutic addiction treatment processes, our clients will also be immersed in the Celebrate Recovery program. Celebrate Recovery is a global 12-Step recovery movement that originated right here in Orange County.

Fellowship with others in recovery is of great help to our clients as they face the challenges of life without the crutch of their drug of choice. As life unfolds and unpredicted challenges arise, a peer network of recovering people who can provide a kind ear and helpful advice becomes indispensable.

Celebrate Recovery meetings are available almost everywhere and are rapidly becoming even more widespread as our nation grapples with the addiction epidemic and more people pursue faith-based recovery. Our clients who have gone on to move or travel elsewhere have always been able to feel “plugged in” to their faith-supported recovery by attending Celebrate Recovery meetings. This sense of Christian community is integral in helping clients overcome the darkest moments of pain and addiction.

Contact Celebrate Hope Today

If you or someone you love is struggling with an addiction, contact us today to learn how Celebrate Hope can be part of the solution. Our staff of addiction clinicians and Christian counselors has been providing cutting edge treatment for many years and have helped many begin the path of long-term recovery while also strengthening their relationship with God.

Ready to begin a faith-based journey to recovery? We are waiting for your call!

Contact Our Accredited Christian Rehab Center

Reach out to recover your relationship with God.